Our Network Expands Our Reach:
It‘s more than recruiting, hiring or a search, industry insiders create incredible value. We integrate and pool our experience and learnings across multiple markets, locations and industries to drive transformation. Inspire - to think differently.
Areas we cover:
- Marketing, Communication & Advertising
- Media and Entertainment
- Retail
- Services
- Sports
- Travel, Hospitality and Leisure
Areas we cover:
- Insurance
- Banks and Pension Funds
- Asset Management
- Alternative Channels/ Investment
- Consumer & Commercial Banking
- Corporate Banking & Transaction Services
- Financial Technology, Electronic Trading & Transaction
- Investment Banking
- Mergers & Acquisitions
Areas we covered:
- Aviation, Aerospace & Defense
- Automotive Chemicals
- Energy
- Industrial Equipment and Components
- Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
- Infrastructure, Construction & Services
- Maritime Mining, Minerals & Metals
- Semiconductor and Electronics
Areas we cover:
- Bio-Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Health Management
- Medical Equipment, devices & Supplies
- Pharmaceuticals
Areas we cover:
- Beauty Products
- Apparel and Accessories
- Fashion, Fabric & Textiles
- Lifestyle products
- Luxury vehicle distributors
- Watches and Jewelry
Areas we cover:
- Communication Systems
- Consulting Services
- Software, Hardware & Electronics
- Internet / E-commerce
- Information Technology